Blitz Blog

Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day!!! May Day!!!!

Ok, folks! Today is the day to be makeing your decision about the trip! I need applications with names and passport numbers (as soon as you have it) PRONTO! I have to confirm reservation with the airlines in a few days and I have to have this information to reserve your seat. I do not have time to hunt everyone down individually so this is the last warning you will get!

Aside from the Arkansas folks, I have exactly 7 deposits paid. That is one person per village. Except 3 of those 7 are under the age of sixteen, soooo I don't think they can handle a village by themselves! As I have mentioned several times we have lots of people who SAY they are going, well this is where the rubber meets the road! Get off your cans and quit procrastinating! If I don't get this information SOON, one of two things will happen. Either you will be making your own travel arrangements (and that includes travel from the airport in Belize) or you will not make the trip. NOW, I know that Flo has begged and begged to get this information in the past, but I AIN'T GONNA DO IT! I don't have the time. Currently, my work load is backed up til after the Belize Trip and I have a minimum of 6 ballgames per week going until the middle of June. I want as many people as possible to go this year, so hurry up folks!

Also, I had no drawings turned in here at Springfield, so if any of the pastor's have had anything turned in to them, please forward those to me. We will be getting the t-shirts going this month also.


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