Well, after we goofed off all day Saturday in Vicksburg, we got up and got going Sunday morning. We attended the morning worship services there at First Vicksburg MP where we felt very much at home. Everyone that I had talked with and mentioned this trip to had told me that the pastor was young. Interestingly, they usually followed the statement with "BUT, he is doing a good job." Almost like you can't be young and do a good job.
Sure enough when we got there both statements proved true. He is young, but not nearly as young as he looks! Pastor Rob is also a very proficient speaker. His message Sunday morning was very well planned and executed along with being delivered straight from the pages of the Good Book. We also very much enjoyed the morning song service led by Bro. Jeremy and some Wesley College students. They worship with song very similar to the Belizeans (without the spanish accent). It is always interesting to me to learn the different styles of worship within our conference. Sometimes I think we get stuck in a routine and tend to veiw anything different as wrong, when in fact it is only different. I don't know about you but I enjoy different. In fact I delight in different.
But I digress, Bro Rob and his wife are expecting a new baby any moment. I would be surprised if it were not already here, from looking at her Sunday. She had definitely reached the point where it really was not fun anymore. They are a lovely couple and I hope somebody there at Vicksburg will let us know when the baby comes!
After church we met friends from Divide, Ricardo and Victoria. What a joy to have all afternoon to visit with friends. It had been years since our last true visit and it was a blessing to have to opportunity to "catch up". Ricardo is planning to make the Blitz this year. Since he is a veteran of the Blitz, his leadership will be valueable. He also mentioned that Bro Ronnie at Brookhaven had contacted him about a teen at his church that wanted to go on the Blitz. I am so excited that God has put this burden on so many hearts.
Sunday evening I presented a slide show about last year's Blitz with over 50 slides of pictures. The folks there at the church were receptive to the presentation and had many questions. A good number of folks there seemed to be genuinely interested in going on the trip. I gave them the blog address, so that they could keep up with what was going on, whether they make the trip or not. I want to thank them for giving me the opportunity to share information about the Blitz, and encourage them to pray about their decision to become a team member.
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