Blitz Blog

Friday, April 21, 2006

Deadlines Approaching!

May 1 will be here before we know it. That is the last day for anybody who wants to participate in the Drawing Contest to turn in their artwork. Absolutely nobody has turned anything in to date! I hope that they are all waiting til the last minute!

I have had some surprises this week with folks who did not think that they would be able to go actually working things out so that they can make the trip! San Lazaro children's favorite gringo from last year was home for Easter and he (Chris) is going to make the trip. Another Springfield teen has also signed on for this year's trip. AND I received the paperwork and deposit from Charles at Brookhaven.

At this point I have 30 seats reserved for the Alabama/Mississippi delegation and 28 people have assured me that they are going on the trip. However, only 7 deposits have been paid. May 1 is also the deadline to have the application and deposit turned in to me. I have to confirm the names and passports numbers to the airlines shortly after that date. So it is IMPERATIVE, that means really, really, really important, that you get your application and deposit turned in by that date!!!!!

If I do not have your information in time to complete the reservations with the airline, I will not be able to hold those seats, and you will have to handle your airline tickets separately(which means you could be paying significantly more for the ticket). So again, GET ME YOUR INFORMATION SOON!!!!

If you need to know where to send your information or you need an application, just hit the comments button and send me your email address with your request for information and I will send everything to you by email (without publishing it to the blog).

The plane leaves in 90 days, be sure you don't miss it!


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