Blitz Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

VBS Materials

It has taken me most of the day but I think I have figured out how to get you a link to some information that I purchased about the materials that we will be using. I purchased the VBS Ideas CD and saved a couple of the documents in a format that I could upload and post. It sounds so simple, but so does the idea of bathing a cat!

Anyway click on Crafts Ideas to see the ideas that the publishers have for correlating crafts. I have not studied them so PLEASE let me know what you think about them. I have asked the folks in Belize for their input on this sort of thing also, so anbody in Belize that wants input Here is your chance!

Click on OVERVIEW to see what the lessons will be about.

I apologize for ad content on these pages. It was the first free web hosting page I found.

By the way....IF this actually works, I can assure you that there is One True God and He is on our side!


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