Blitz Blog

Monday, March 13, 2006


Here is a shot of the Mission House that housed 20 people for the week last year. Arkansas Bunch upstairs and Ladies working in San Lazaro and August Pine Ridge downstairs. The men stayed in the school rooms. (I'll Post that picture later.) The large green tent was the roof for the downstairs dining room. This tent is owned by the Church there and they rent it out around the village for different things during the year. If you look closely someone is posing for this shot, but I cannot make out who it is for sure.

Notice the tree to the left of the house. Last year on Sunday afternoon, I was relaxing under this very tree when I got a call from the states. Dear Hubby (DH) was missing us already. At the time he called, the heat index here in Alabama was @107 Degrees F. He was wishing that he had made the trip with us, when I told him it was about 80 degrees there and a nice breeze was blowing!

Uncle Nascar who was with us there in Belize was suffering withdrawals from not getting to watch a race that afternoon, instructed me to ask DH how the race was going. DH had to report to him that Nascar had learned that he was out of the country and canceled all events for the weekend. In other words "what race". Posted by Picasa


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