Blitz Blog

Monday, July 31, 2006

One Day at a Time!

Well we all made it back safely, or semi-safely anyway. There was lots more sickness before we got back, but as yet nothing seems to serious. Paul was really having a lot of problems after coming home, but one of his cousins, who happens to be a pediatrician, suggested eating yogurt (with live cultures) and drinking buttermilk (yuk!). Since he was at the point he would try anything, he went and bought out WalMart's yogurt supply. After downing about 4 cartons, he rports improvements, but still not normal. I say all of this so that if there are more folks suffering, maybe they can try it!

I am going to start posting pictures from each day on the Blitz. Starting with the day we left. Just sort of highlights from the trip. I will not get them all at once, but rather when I get the chance (did I mention I had 28 messages left on my machine at work, that is an all time high).

Oh, yeah, all most forgot to mention that Jessica called from Divide late Saturday to report that she and "Honey Love" are expecting their first child together! Congratulations!!!!

God Bless!


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