Blitz Blog

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Just another day in Paradise

Just checked on the Progresso team, and Richard wanted me to pass on that it was both he and Adam in the canoe yesterday. They rowed over to visit with a man and discuss Maya stuff. Then last night they looked up and this man had rowed across the lagoon and then rode a bicyle into Progresso (about 2 miles) to make it to the revival service. They also reported that they had about 80 yesterday and 70 today in VBS. Also spoke with Adam and he reports that the whole team has decided that they will go back to Progresso, so that nobody will have to "suffer" like they have. Yeah, right. First timer Charles from Brookhaven is reported to have hit the ground running, and has been given the official thumbs up from the rest of the team. Charles (CJ) is alright!

We are now waiting on the Hattieville team to make is back. Joel, Robert, and Larry were going to be in charge of the service there today and they had huge plans. I can't wait to hear about it. They were all like jumping beans before they left here this morning, couldn't wait to get started.

The Sand Hill VBS held special prayer for Megan this morning. Abbie went over to take pictures and everyone there wanted to know how Megan was holding up! They had about 120 kids today, up from yesterday.

Won't be able to report on SL/APR for another hour or so, but I will let you know when I can. They reported a great day yesterday!

I have decided that the refrigerator is "the debil". It keeps having these crashes. Messy, messy. Just a little blood though.

Abbie sends her thanks out to everybody for their prayers! Keep it up! Only 3 or 4 more hours to go!

Thankful to be in his service!


At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell richard i know he is working hard and i am praying for him and all of you



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