Blitz Blog

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday Morning

Sand Hill Zion MP Church was full this morning. Both Hattieville and Sand Hill VBS Teams attended Sunday School and worship service at Zion this morning. Bro. Claudio brought a wonderful message about listening to God. To quote Florene, "He put the hay down where the goats can get it." One of the most wonderful things about services here is the messages get straight to the heart of the matter. No skirting any issues just good, tough, Bible preaching!

I spoke with the Progresso crowd this afternoon and they are all well. There have been some difficulties with communications there and at San Lazaro/August Pine Ridge. Richard told me to tell Vicki that he is fine. The accomodations are good, but not with air conditioning as advertised. The Progresso church is very young and struggling and the team is having a little trouble with the language barrier, but he thought that they would have things worked out before morning.

Haven't seen the SL/APR group today, but they were all there yesterday at the youth rally. They have been having some Belizean adventures out that way. Roads ware washed badly in places and the van could not make it through some areas. I'll have to let them tell the story, it is a good one!

I hope to get some pictures up tonight. Nate I will pass your message on to Jami this evening when we get back. I am glad to see your comments. Everyone, please let us hear from you! Pray hard tonight as classes start tomorrow!

In His Service,


At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Richard that Bob & Cheryl are praying for him and all his fellow missionaries.


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