Wow it's Wednesday already!
Once Bible School got started the week just flies. We looked up and it was Wednesday already. Paul and Wesley were still really really sick and suffering. I had a picture of Paul that illustrates just how bad it was, but in the interest of remaining married to him, I will save it for later. He was soo sick Wednesday morning that he forgot to take the camera to bible school so we don't have any shots of that from Wednesday morning.
The Vicksburg crowd got up with going to the ruins on their mind, so after lunch we set out for Altun Ha. It is only twelve miles from Sand Hill, but it takes about 45 minute to get there. You can see why in the photo below. You must yield to those who are bigger than you seems to be the rule of the road.

Once there everybody took off and left Larry Wayne and I spraying down with Off. When the two of us started in the ruin area, I noticed this bird on the bench behind the little trade stalls. Larry being the friendly guy he is went over to say hello! Meanwhile I am getting my camera out and shouting at him "Don't get to close! That thing is going to eat you up! Larry Wayne it is a LONG way to the hospital if it bites your finger off!" My warnings worked. He did approach cautiously.

They didn't work long though! The birds were like stray dogs just looking for a bit of affection. By the time he got the bird, everybody had started looking for us. They came back and there was quite a stir as everybody (except me) had to get their picture made with Polly. (Somebody had to be the cameraman.)

Once inside the guys decided to play King of the Mountain. As you can see, we all bow to Joel as King. That is as soon as we get our breath back.

$1 for the Picture.

Oh well! We'll humor the kid. These made great photos for our sports program as our school mascot is the "gators". Nobody will know that Harold was a croc.

OK Joel. What now? How do we get down?

The view from atop the Stone Masonry Temple is incredible! These two Springfield girls had a time trying keep up with the Vicksburg boys. I made Larry wait to come down off the temple behind me, because I was afraid my legs would give out and I would bowl him over on the way down!. At least somebody would be there to tell the story anyway.
Capt. Joel realizes that we have lost some our crew mates.

Uh. Joel. I think you might could see better if you got a little further up the tree!

Oh there they are! Terri and Ashley were checking out the plaza below.

The birds sort of took to Ashley on the way out.

I don't know if these were on wednesday or not, but here are some pics from Progresso.

CJ taught the whole VBS one morning. While Adam got the juice ready for the masses.

NO! Nemo we are not making this a protein drink!

Good crowds all week!

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