Blitz Blog

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday! Monday!

Braxton wants to know will VBS ever get started!

Teacher Marian kicks it off for us by leading the music.

The Pews were PACKED!

More Monday later.......(there were just too many to share all at once)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Back to Blitz Sunday at Sand Hill

Sis. Alice leads Praise and Worship!

Paul tries to figure out who wants a ride on the Glory Train!

Sis. Marian can play it! and sing!

Georgia and Jaselle sing a special.

PREACH IT Bro. Robert! What can we do to bring Jesus to his feet for a standing ovation? You didn't think I was listening did you?

Later in the evening Sis Alice is kind enough to braid us a new do!

Abbie and Alexia capture the Kodak moment!

Friday, August 11, 2006

God's Hand

Well the laptop with all my pictures from the trip is not here today. DH confiscated it for work, so I guess I won't complain. I was talking with Bro. Claudio yesterday via msn messenger about something that I consider a minor miracle (is that an oxymoron). It is a little inspring and since I don't have any pictures, I thought I might share it with everybody.

Our last morning in Belize City was very short and very busy. I had my list of team members that totaled nearly 40 people, and I was really concerned about making sure that all of them, especially DCL, got to the airport by 8:30 AM.

Let me back up and say that the chaos had started the afternoon before when everybody converged on the hotel. I had been driving the green mission van as several of the newbies had wanted to go by the tshirt shop on the way to the hotel. Since I was one of the only folks who knew where it was and also needed to pick up some things there, I was elected to be the guide. This little side trip resulted in a van load of folks arriving at the hotel before I did, and things got a little stressful at check in. I had turned over my purchases to Dubya (age 13) and the keys to the van for parking to Bro. Rob.

The hotel was looking for us, and had a table of fruit drinks set up to welcome us. The set up was really nice and the only thing that kept me from going completely insane upon arrival.

Back to friday morning. I had everything packed up and ready for the airport when I noticed a bag on the table in our room. I asked DH what was in the bag and he replied that it was some tshirts that were for sale from the hotel. Now I thought this was a little strange, but he followed up with "there is a piece of paper over there that explains everthing if you want one" and "they have the price pinned to the shirt tag". Thinking I had already bought my shirts and did not need anymore we left the bag on the table and went to make sure everybody got on the plane home.

Well, you have probably guessed it by now, but 1400 miles and 14 hours later when Dubya went to get the tshirt out that he had bought for his Nanny, we realized that they were sitting on a table in a hotel room in Belize City. He was really upset because he had also gotten shirts for a couple of ladies (age 60 something and 50 something) that he is really close friends with.

Turns out that while DH was busy trying to keep me from completely losing it in the lobby as everyone arrived, Dubya had gone on to the room and put the tshirts on the table, while he got his swimsuit on and headed for the pool. Thus when DH gets to the room, having not been along for the shopping trip, he had no clue! I was so scattered and stressed, to be honest those particular shirts did not cross my mind until we got back home and Dubya started looking for them.

Well as I sat there in my living room friday evening with my palm repeatedly smacking my forehead, realizing what had happened and wanting to fix it for Dubya, I decided the best I could do was email the hotel and hope for the best.

Which I did, monday morning. The lady that I had been dealing with all along emailed me back almost immediately to let me know that she had my bag of shirts, just let her know what to do with them.

So I emailed Bro. Claudio and asked if he would mind going by to get them and bringing them with him on his next trip to the States, thinking that we could get them in a month or two. He was incredibly helpful and picked them up before lunch that same day. Meanwhile, it occurred to me that I knew some folks in Camden (that is a town close by) that traveled to Belize for business about twice a month and called to see when they would be going next. Guess what, he was headed south the very next day.

This guy emailed his driver in Belize City and this driver made contact with Bro. Claudio. The exchange was made and Dubya's Nanny wore her tshirt to work this morning.

What a blessing to have friends in far away places. When I realized what had happened to those shirts, I thought they were gone for good. Yet, it ended up being relatively simple to retrieve them. All because of good people. By the way that is not an OXYMORON.

Yesterday while chatting with Bro. Claudio, I mentioned that the shirts were back in Alabama and how I felt that it was truly an extraordinary feat. He replied that it was "God's Hand". One of my favorite things to say is "God is looking out for you even when you are not paying attention." All I can say about that now is THANK YOU! I NEED SOMEBODY LOOKING OUT FOR ME!

Have a good weekend everybody! I'll be back with pictures next week!
God Bless

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Check out the Links!

Just updated the links over to the right of the page! Notice that there is a new blog site! Sand Hill Zion MP Church started a blog this weekend! It looks great! Be sure to visit them often.

Saturday Highlights - Youth Rally

Jaselle (please forgive my spelling if its wrong) and Ameri headed to the Youth Rally.

The soccer match is just heating up at Guinea Grass when the gringo's arrive!

George and Joel trying to hang with the pros!

Hope they don't need any substitutes!

Byrd learns that he has to speak at the rally after he arrives, and has a last minute study out behind the outhouse.

Tiff and James getting ready for the show! (Are you sure you are not related?)

Joel and Aunt Gi Gi rock the house!

Everybody was excited to see Leidi (pr. Lady) again! That is the wonderful thing about the Youth Rally - You get to see and visit with people from all of the villages. Since everybody was scrambled around on the teams this year, this was in some cases the only opportunity during the week to see old friends!

Speaking of old friends, Juan did a great job interpreting for Byrd during the rally!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


As You can see here Bro. Claudio was really excited about getting to go with us on the snorkeling trip out to Spanish Bay Caye.

Man/Woman Overboard?

Now tell me again how big was that Shark?

George Cute!

George not Cute!